Saturday, July 12, 2008

Almost There!!!

I thought I would give an update since I haven't posted one in a while. I am now almost 33 weeks pregnant and am HOT & MISERABLE!!! I went to the doctor this past monday and he went ahead and put me on maternity leave because my blood pressure has decided to sky rocket and I had started to dilate. Well as stubborn as I am I decided to work the rest of my schedule for the week at Huntsville Hospital. This in turn lead me to labor & delivery Tuesday night with contractions. They gave me 2 shots of terbutaline to finally stop them. My blood pressure once again was horrible. I followed up with the doctor thursday in his office. He measured me and said the reason I was probably so miserable and my blood pressure so elevated was due to her measuring 38 WEEKS!!! I am a rather short person, there is not much room for her to go. He said she is just a BIG baby!!! REALLY??? The doctor told me that I definetly would not make it to my delivery date of 40 weeks and it was very unlikely that I will make it to 38 weeks. We are going to do everything that we can to keep her in until Aug 18, I will officially be 38 weeks then. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers and I will do my best to keep you updated!!! I've also posted a 4D picture of her from a couple of weeks ago. She would not cooperate....